Georg Spöttl, Paryono Paryono, Siriporn Parvikam

Fit for Industry 4.0 - Innovative Learning and Teaching for Digitalization and Automation

This volume presents a further training concept on Industry 4.0 for vocational teachers, which was developed for transnational use by the "Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit" (GIZ) together with SEAMEO VOCTECH (Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) for transnational use.

In connection with the thematic focus on digitalisation and the accompanying change in the world of work, innovative teaching and learning methods for self-reliant learning and the promotion of communicative and social competences are presented. In the transfer project, the professional and didactical competences of teachers and trainers are promoted.

The volume is published in English.
Preface Foreword
1 Introduction
2 Development Trends of Digitalization
2.1 Character of digitalization
2.2 Changes in the world of work
2.3 Need for competences
2.4 Conclusions
3 Development of an Innovative Concept of Learning and Teaching
3.1 The foundation of the concept
3.2 Overview of the training concept
3.3 Module structure of five modules
3.4 Definition of training modules for TVET professionals
4 Didactical Concept and Transfer into Learning Processes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Framework of the didactical concept
4.3 The target group
4.4 Self-reliant learning
4.5 A new didactic approach for TVET
4.6 Self-reliant learning and trainee centred teaching
4.7 Learn- and Work Assignments and trainee-centred teaching
4.8 Learning theories
5 Transfer of the Training Concept into Training
5.1 Concept of Learn- and Work Assignments for teaching and learning
5.2 Learn- and Work Assignments as supporters of quality
5.3 Developing Learn- and Work Assignments
5.4 Description of module 1
5.5 Generating LWA and LWA' descriptions
5.6 Outline of Learn- and Work Assignments
6 Implementation Process of the Modules and In-Service Training
7 Conclusion
8 Bibliography
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Spöttl, Director of the Centre of Technology, Work and TVET at the University Campus Unit of the University Bremen and Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Centre InnoVET.

Siriporn Parvikam, Programme Component Manager for TVET Personnel of "Regional Cooperation Programme for TVET in ASEAN (RECOTVET)", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Paryono Paryono, Ph.D. Deputy Director and Research Manager/Specialist of SEAMEO VOCTECH, Brunei Darussalam.

weitere Infos

- Industrie 4.0 - Weiterbildungskonzept für Berufsschul-lehrende für den internationalen Einsatz -

„Fit for Industry 4.0" stellt ein Weiterbildungskonzept für Berufsschullehrende vor, das von der Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) gemeinsam mit dem Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen (ASEAN) für den internationalen Einsatz entwickelt wurde. In Verbindung mit dem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt Digitalisierung und der damit einhergehenden Veränderung der Arbeitswelt stellen die Autoren innovative Lehr- und Lernmethoden zum selbständigen Lernen und zur Förderung kommunikativer und sozialer Kompetenzen vor. Damit werden in dem Transferprojekt fachliche und didaktische Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften und Ausbildenden gefördert. Der Band erscheint in englischer Sprache.

- Teil der wbv Open Library 2021 -
Der Band erscheint in der »wbv Open Library« als kostenfreies E-Book. Ermöglicht wird die Open-Access-Veröffentlichung durch ein Netzwerk wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken und Institutionen, die sich zur Förderung von Open Access in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften zusammengeschlossen haben ( Veröffentlich werden wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus den wbv-Programmbereichen Erwachsenenbildung sowie Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik.

- Fit for Industry 4.0: Innovative Teaching and Learning for TVET Personnel -
The volume presents a further training concept on Industry 4.0 for vocational school teachers, which was developed for international use by the Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) together with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In connection with the focus on digitalisation and the accompanying change in the world of work, the authors present innovative teaching and learning methods for independent learning. They also adress the promotion of communicative and social skills. In the transfer project, the professional and didactic competences of teachers and trainers are promoted.

- Part of the wbv Open Library 2021 -
The volume is published in the "wbv Open Library" as a free e-book. The open access publication is made possible by a network of academic libraries and institutions that have joined forces to promote open access in the humanities and social sciences ( The wbv Opne Library consists of publications from the wbv programme areas of adult education and vocational and business education.

- Autoren/Authors -
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Georg Spöttl, Director of the Centre of Technology, Work and TVET at the University Campus Unit of the University Bremen and Director of the Steinbeis Transfer Centre InnoVET. Siriporn Parvikam, Programme Component Manager for TVET Personnel of "Regional Cooperation Programme for TVET in ASEAN (RECOTVET)", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Paryono Paryono, Ph.D. Deputy Director and Research Manager/Specialist of SEAMEO VOCTECH, Brunei Darussalam.


Georg Spöttl, Paryono, Siriporn Parvikam
- Fit for Industry 4.0 -
Innovative Learning and Teaching von Digitalization and Automation

Reihe/Series: Berufsbildung, Arbeit und Innovation, Band/Vol. 60
152 Seiten/Pages, Bielefeld 2021
DOI: 10.3278/6004870w

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Order-No. 6004870
ISBN 978-3-7639-6762-9

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Bibliografische Angaben

  • Reihe: Berufsbildung, Arbeit und Innovation
  • Band: 61
  • Auflage: 1
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 30.09.2021
  • Umfang: 152 Seiten
  • Artikelnr: 6004870w
  • ISBN (Print): 9783763967629
  • ISBN E-Book (PDF): 9783763967636
  • DOI (E-Book): 10.3278/6004870w
  • Imprint: wbv Publikation
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Lizenzhinweis: Creative Commons Namensnennung-Share Alike 4.0 International

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